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How We Work With You

How to work with us

We appreciate that life is often hectic and that many of our customers lead busy and varied lives. As such, meeting during regular nine to five hours is not always possible. Therefore, Prospect Mortgage Services are set up to be able to work with you in a variety of different ways:

Face to Face

This is our preferred method to meet with people so that we can really get to know a persons needs and preferences. You can arrange an appointment with our advisers at a time and date convenient to you. We would invite you to come in to our offices in Merstone on the Isle of Wight and talk through your requirements on a face to face basis.

Telephone or Video Call

We realise that many people due to their location or busy schedules do not have the opportunity to necessarily meet with us face to face here at our offices. We conduct business remotely on a regular basis and either a telephone appointment or video conference call (through Skype or Join Me) can be booked with one of our Advisers to discuss potential options. Documents can be shared securely through our Client Portal and for many this is a convenient method of arranging a mortgage when it is not possible to physically meet on a face to face basis.

The Online Mortgage Journey

For those of us who are keen to do their own research or who happen to be gathering information at a time when others are not working then please check out our Online Mortgage Journey.

Online Mortgage Journey

How much will it cost to work with us?

We have just a few flat fees so you know how much our service will cost you upfront. There are no hidden charges or additional extras that will be added on later and our Mortgage Guarantee makes sure that you will not be wasting your hard earned monies if things do not work out first time around.

Our Flat Fees

Standard Residential or Buy to Let (BTL) Purchase Application £449
Standard Residential or Buy to Let (BTL) Remortgage Application £449
Equity Release / Lifetime Mortgage £799
Any Non-standard Application (e.g. Self-Build / Debt Consolidation / Second Charge / Bridging / Semi-Commercial) £499
Further Advance Only £349
Shared Ownership or Help to Buy/First Homes Purchase or Remortgage £449
Product Transfer (for existing customers) No fee


Book an appointment

Use the ‘Book an Appointment’ button to the right to come and meet one of our advisers.

Office opening times:

Monday 0830-1700
Tuesday 0830-1700
Wednesday 0830-1700
Thursday 0830-1700
Friday 0830-1700
Saturday 0900-1600
Sunday Closed

Please note that our advisers can often accommodate an appointment out of office times, if notice is given (weekday evening or Saturday)

Book an Appointment

Book an appointment